14. AI in the Project Management Business -an academic perspective, future outlook & ethical considerations
Continued from episode 13.
AI is already around you. A lot is happening quickly.
In the construction and real estate industry, there's a desperate need for more control over all data and information, and for decades, there has been work on digital information models and platforms meant to assist our industry. Building Information Models (BIM) have been constructed and developed with the ambition of becoming an "all-encompassing" model – a digital twin of the physical structure, complete with all associated information.
Now, AI is entering these information systems and processes in full force and will contribute to project development, project implementation, and building management. But could this potentially mean the end of the digital twin?
So, what is AI, or artificial intelligence, exactly? About 6 months ago, we discussed creating a podcast episode about the use of AI in the project industry. Back then, I hadn't heard of ChatGPT, let alone used it. Yet, it seems like "everyone" has used it and knows what it is now. According to Microsoft, which owns OpenAI, ChatGPT has been adopted more rapidly by the general population than any other technology before.
However, ethical and societal questions are also tied to the development of AI, including concerns about privacy, jobs, bias in decision-making, and more. Haven't you tried it? Don't you know what it is? Are you afraid of what it could do in the project industry and in your job?
Listen to episode 13 and 14 of "Prosjektrådet," and you'll learn much more, both from real business cases and from developments within academia.
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- Antall episoder: 30
- Siste episode: 2024-12-18
- Virksomhet Entrepreneurship Management